Hey everyone!
Long time no chat! It's been a busy couple of weeks around here. My in-laws were visiting, I wasn't feeling all that great, my office job had me swamped and Mr. Fix-It was away this weekend. Yup, I'm super happy he's home. I love my 3 minis but holy smokes, I was tired last night! I also managed to make a good dent in the vino. A total necessity when you're solo parenting! I digress.
So, you all know how much I love to make old things new. I also told you that my parents' have recently sold their home in Toronto to move to Ottawa. So awesome! My great grandmother's table sat as our hall table in our Toronto family home for...well, since I can remember. At one point, I'm sure it was in its original wood condition but over the years its been black, purple and brown. I've always loved it and over the last few weeks, it made the trek to our home in Ottawa. However...I wasn't loving the dark brown in the living room....
I wasn't sure what I wanted to do so the table was sent down to the basement. Until a package of Chalk Paint® decorative paint by Annie Sloan arrived at my door...enter in another DIY!
Have you ever used Chalk Paint® before? It's POPULAR! If you are on Pinterest, then you know about Chalk Paint® paint. The best part is that you don't have to sand or prime anything and you can get lots of different looks with it. You can go vintage, distressed, "chippy" or modern.
So here's the table. So long brown....
The paint is really thick! Depending on the texture you want, you can thin it with a little water...
I wasn't sure if there was going to be enough coverage as there were still a lot of streaks after that first coat
After a second coat (it dries really fast!) there was total coverage. Now it's time for the wax. Without the wax, you get the finish of exactly what you would think chalk paint would be...chalky. No, it's not chalkboard paint (that's what my mum thought), the finish is "chalky". The soft wax makes it oh-so-smooth.
You apply the wax with a soft cloth, pushing it into the corners and crevices. Think hand cream and apply it in the same way.
And so, my Great Grandmother's table has been reborn and has a new home in our living room.
Keep it Beautiful.
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